Friday 10 June 2011

You remind me of the babe! {friday faves}

It's Friday at last, woo hoo!

I'll be off to the shops soon to purchase supplies for tonight's Fajito Party with my three favourite girls, Kate, Chell & Rachel!
Fajito = fajita + mojito - yum!

Kate and I are mad about Bowie, so to get you in the Friday spirit, here's one of our favourites, from the Labyrinth soundtrack, which i think you'll agree is a fab Friday song!!

I'm very pleased with myself for sticking to my 'New Weeks Resolution' to blog every day! In case you've missed any of my other blog posts this week, here's a recap ...

Golden Apple ♥'s The Bijou Bride {Supplier Focus} - chatting to the lovely Alexandra from The Bijou Bride
"If you're a bird, i'm a bird" - why I love The Notebook and my tattoo design
Tuesday morning treats - images from my vintage photoshoot
Stationery Love ♥ - Gorgeous wedding planning notebook from Noble Macmillan
Send me on my way... {monday musings} - Fab Monday morning music, and what i've been getting up to this week

This pink cake is the best thing i've seen this week - it's so cute!

The recipe and lots more lovely images can be found on Call me Cupcake which I found via Anna and the Ring, who made one for her husbands birthday, which also looked absolutely gorgeous!

Ali Lovegrove is at the top of my favourite people list this week, as we've started to plan a very exciting super awesome top secret project! Each email from her has made me emit a high-pitched girly squeal of excitement - eeek!

Other stuff
Everyone should read the amazing book that I have just finished- One Day by David Nicholls - it follows to people and what they're doing on the same day each day for 20 years - couldn't put it down!

And finally...
I'll leave you with this gorgeous image, that I love love love!
I found it on Tumblr, (click here to check out the golden apple tumblr page) but have used to do a reverse image source and think it's from phototgrapher Pauline Darley - isn't it lovely!

Have a lovely weekend!!

Leah x

Golden Apple
Creative design, Stationery & Wedding
Invitations Leicester
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